No Hair Just Finance Podcast

#1: The Digital Revivalist

Dive into our first episode of “No Hair Just Finance,” where we feature Stephen Haddad, the visionary COO of Southern Cross Austereo (SCA).

With over two decades of steering strategic growth in media finance and consulting, Stephen offers a deep dive into the transformative world of digital technologies. This episode not only highlights the challenges and triumphs of digital innovation but also focuses on the “Listener” app’s journey to becoming a spoken word phenomenon.

Through Stephen’s expert lens, we explore the evolving landscape of digital transformation, its implications for customer engagement, and the anticipated impact on the finance industry. He sheds light on SCA’s strategic approach to embracing emerging technologies, navigating the complex balance between innovation and risk, and the critical role of ethical considerations in technological adoption.

Tune in for an enlightening conversation with Stephen Haddad, as we explore the digital future and its significance for finance and beyond. This episode promises a rich exploration of how digitalization is shaping our world, offering insights and inspirations for navigating the digital age.

Segment Feature
WTF Feature #1

Confused & Motivated

When you let excuses dictate your actions, you’re not just holding yourself back, you’re inadvertently opening the door for someone else to seize the opportunities you’re passing up. Your excuse isn’t just a personal setback; it’s a gift to your competitors. In the fast-paced world of business, every missed opportunity is a chance for someone else to step in and fill the void you’ve left. By failing to act or follow through on your commitments, you’re essentially handing over potential success to others who are willing to take decisive action. In business, integrity and reliability are paramount. Saying you’ll do something and then following through not only builds trust but also ensures that you’re not relinquishing valuable opportunities to competitors who are ready to pounce on any openings. Remember, your excuse just gave someone else an opportunity; don’t let it happen again.

Feature Guest(s)

Stephen Haddad
Stephen Haddad

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